Shipping Policy for Shunya Fodder & Forage Agritech Private Limited

  1. Shipping Methods
    1. Home Delivery:
      • We offer home delivery within specified delivery areas.
      • Deliveries are made between 09:00AM to 09:00PM on all days.
      • Orders placed before cutoff time will be delivered on the next available delivery day.
      • Delivery fees are calculated based on your location and the total weight of your order.
      • Free delivery is available for orders over specific type, otherwise, a standard delivery fee applies.
    2. Store Pickup:
      • You can opt to pick up your order from our partner store located nearby your area.
      • Store pickup is available during our regular business hours.
      • You will receive an APP push notification or SMS notification when your order is ready for pickup.
      • Orders must be picked up within same day of being notified. Please show your delivery code to the partner for proof.
  1. Processing Time
  • Orders are processed within 2 to 7 days after payment is confirmed.
  • Please note that orders are not shipped or delivered on weekends or holidays.
  1. Delivery Restrictions
  • We currently deliver only to addresses within service areas.
  • If your address is outside of our delivery zones, you may still opt for store pickup.
  1. Order Tracking
  • Once your order is dispatched, you will receive a notification on App.
  • You can track the status of your delivery online through our website or the carrier’s website.
  1. Failed Delivery
  • If a delivery attempt fails due to incorrect address details, absence of the recipient, or other unforeseen issues, a re-delivery fee may apply.
  • We will contact you to reschedule the delivery.
  1. Damaged or Incorrect Items
  • Please inspect your order upon delivery. If you receive damaged or incorrect items, contact us immediately at customer support team at
  • We will work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible, including issuing a replacement or refund as needed.
  1. Returns/Refunds
  • If you are unsatisfied with the quality of the product, you may request for a return or refund. We will not pick up the product for returns and process a full refund, please refer to our Return Policy.
  1. Customer Support